About Child Science

TOP > From Japan

From Japan

In this page, you will find articles covering "information on childrearing, childcare, and education in Japan" published within the CRN website, brought together on this webpage for easier access.

  • Research Data from Japan
    This section provides the results of childrearing surveys, primarily conducted by Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute (BERD), CRN's main supporter and one of the most trusted educational R&D institutes in Japan.
  • Projects about the Latest Children's Issues in Japan
    Here we introduce a wide variety of projects related to issues involving children in Japan.
  • Reports about Child-Rearing and Education in Japan
    This section contains reports written by researchers from various fields about childrearing and education in Japan.
  • Useful Links
    Useful sites run by local governments and educational institutes in Japan, providing information related to childrearing, education, and health.

Projects about the Latest Children's Issues in Japan

[Data-based Discussion on Education and Children in Japan]

[Declining Birth Rate and Child-rearing in Japan]

[Q&A about Children's Health]

[Child Science and Great East Japan Earthquake]

[Youth Projects: Essays written by junior/senior high school students in Japan]

Reports about Child-Rearing and Education in Japan

[Early Childhood Education and Care]


[Pregnancy & Prenatal Care]

[School & Teachers]

[After-School & Community Activities]

[Playing & Learning]

[Children in the Digital Age]

[Language Development & Education]