Inclusive Education

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- Keynote 2: Cultivating Well-being through Inclusive Education (Third International Conference of Child Research Network Asia [CRNA]) (2020/02/21)
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- ADHD in Women Tends to Be Overlooked (2019/11/22)
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- Something's Strange: Care and Treatment of Developmental Disorders in Japan (2019/07/19)
- Online Symposium Report: Something's Strange: Special Needs Education in Japan (2019/05/24)
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- Something's Strange: Treatment of Developmental Disorders in Japan (3) Huge Misconception Regarding Developmental Disorders (2019/02/22)
- Something's Strange: Inclusive Education in Japan (4) (2019/01/25)
- Concurrent Session 3: Supporting children with special needs (Second International Conference of Child Research Network Asia [CRNA]) (2018/12/14)
- Something's Strange: Treatment of Developmental Disorders in Japan (2) Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment (2018/10/19)
- What is the Purpose of Reinforcing Checkups for Developmental Disorders when Children Start School? (2018/03/23)
- Sesame Street to introduce a new Muppet with autism: An initiative aimed to reduce the stigma of autism. (2018/03/09)
- Are Small Classes Really Better Than Large Classes? (2018/02/02)
- Children with Developmental Disorders and Bullying (2017/09/15)
- Are developmental disorders really increasing? (2017/09/08)
- Something's Strange: Inclusive Education in Japan (3) (2017/03/03)
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- Innovative and therapeutic school for students with neurological differences - The Monarch Institute Part 1 (2016/01/08)
- Special Education Advocate: Interviewing with Mr. Louis H. Geigerman (2014/11/21)
- Childcare for Children with Special Needs 1: Considering Support from the Viewpoint of Early Childhood Education -- Catering to Each Child Supports Children with Special Needs (2013/08/23)
- Children Born with Disabilities: How Families Respond (2013/05/10)
- Special Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Hong Kong (2013/02/22)
- Gifted Education in the United States (2012/12/21)
- Culture within Cultures: The Culture of Disability and Family Life in Japan and the United States (2011/01/01)
- Autism in India (2010/10/15)
- Gifted Education in Hong Kong (2010/01/01)
- East Asia Child Science Exchange Program 6: First-grader Problems at Elementary School and Developmental Disorders (2010/01/01)
- Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD & ADHD) (2009/08/28)
- Experiment Study on Visual Self-recognition of Preschool Children with Autism (2009/01/01)
- Troubled Children with FASD (2008/05/23)
- On Developmental Disorders (2005/07/01)
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- Toward A Successful Career through Personal Intelligence: A Chinese Cultural Point of View (2000/01/01)
- A Follow-Up Study of Taiwan Physics And Chemistry Olympians - The Environmental Influences? (1999/01/01)