- [Japan] Use of AI Robots in ECEC: Young Children's Literacy and Cognition Towards Interactive AI Robots (2) (2021.10.29)
- [Japan] Use of AI Robots in ECEC: Young Children's Literacy and Cognition Towards Interactive AI Robots (1) (2021.10.22)
- [China] Grandparents' Co-parenting in Urban China and Its Influence on Parents and Children (2021.10.08)
- [Japan] Sandpit Landscape Provides Children with Excitement and Pleasure: Designing a Schoolyard that Increases Attention and Learning (2021.10.01)
- [Japan] How ECEC should be in inclusive society; Thorough examination of the ECEC philosophies of Unauthorized Day Care Centers (UDCC) staff members (2021.07.30)
- [China] Have Chinese Urban Children Spent More Time on Online Learning since the COVID-19 Pandemic? (2021.06.25)
- [Germany] Childcare in Munich, influenced by COVID-19 in 2020 (2021.04.23)
- [China] Online Early Childhood Education in China during COVID-19: Schools Close, but Children Keep Learning (2020.10.16)
- [Japan] How Preschoolers Perceive and Value Their Favorite Places to Play: Listening to Children's Voices Using the Mosaic Approach (2020.04.03)
- [Japan] Parents' Perceptions Towards Free Preschool Education and Care: Regional Differences in Parents' Aspirations (Part II) (2019.08.30)
- [Japan] Parents' Perceptions Towards Free Preschool Education and Care: Regional Differences in Parents' Aspirations (Part I) (2019.08.23)
- [Japan] Play in Early Childhood Education (2019.04.26)
- [New Zealand] Intentional Teaching and Social-Emotional Skills in New Zealand (2018.09.07)
- [New Zealand] Te Whāriki 2017: a refreshed early childhood curriculum for New Zealand (2018.04.27)
- Beyond Leadership: The Why, What, Who and How of Education Diplomacy (2018.04.06)
- Leadership Tasks in Early Childhood Education in Finland, Japan, and Singapore (2018.03.30)
- [Japan] An Anthropologist's Perspective on 0-3 Early Childhood Care and Education (2018.02.23)
- [Finland] Home Visit Survey in Finland: Children playing cheerfully and freely - a work-life balance to support childrearing by parents--Current Situation Regarding Children's "Attitudes of Learning to Learn" (6) (2017.09.29)
- [Finalnd] Early Childhood Education in Finland: Esikoulu that Helps the Transition from a Daycare Center to Elementary School--Current Situation Regarding Children's "Attitudes of Learning to Learn" (5) (2017.08.25)
- [Indonesia] Child Rearing Emphasizing on Discipline and Education in Jakarta--Current Situation Regarding Children's "Attitudes of Learning to Learn" (4) (2017.07.28)