Q&A about Children's Health
- New Facts about Egg Allergy (2016.11.04)
- The Mechanism of Food Allergies (2016.10.14)
- Children's Fever at Night: When do I see a doctor? (2016.09.16)
Inclusive Education
- [Snuggling Up to Our Differences] Episode 9: Children's Hands Reach Where Adults Cannot (2024.11.01)
- Inclusive Education in Finland (4) (2024.10.25)
- Inclusive Education in Finland (3) (2024.10.11)
Child Research Network Asia [CRNA]
Celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2016, CRN has launched the "Child Research Network Asia (CRNA)," covering a wider area throughout Asia in search for solutions to various issues involving children in Asia. Please click here to read more about the "Child Research Network Asia (CRNA)." |
- [Indonesia] ECE Teachers' Perception and Promotion of Children's Resilience and Social Emotional Skills in Indonesia (2024.12.20)
- How Do ECEC Teachers Perceive Children's "Difficulties" and Implement Practices to Nurture Their Resilience? - Results of Interview Surveys Conducted on ECEC teachers in Eight Asian Countries (PECERA Annual Conference 2024) (2024.09.27)
- [China] Insights into Early Childhood Education in China: Nurturing Resilience and Socioemotional Skills in Preschool Children (2024.09.13)
Data-based Discussion on Education and Children in Japan
- Data-based Discussion on Education and Children in Japan 6: To prevent "cycle of poverty" - current situation in Japan concerning continuation of education to college (2020.09.18)
- Data-based Discussion on Education and Children in Japan 5: Now's the time amid COVID-19 fear, let's close up on the positive side of a "well-regulated lifestyle" (2020.06.26)
- Data-based Discussion on Education and Children in Japan 4: Issues Regarding Japanese Children's Reading--In Association with the Effects of Reading (2019.08.02)
ECEC around the World
- [Japan] Identifying Factor Structures and Determinants Involved in the Development of "Non" Cognitive Skills in Early Childhood (2024.02.09)
- [South Korea] Current Situation and Issues of Inclusive Education for Preschool Children in South Korea - II (2023.12.01)
- A Useful Comparison Table for Improving the Quality of ECEC--International Comparative Study on Free Preschool Education and Childcare (74th OMEP World Assembly and Conference) (2023.10.06)
Declining Birth Rate and Child-rearing in Japan
- Helping Mothers and Children at the Beginning of Childrearing: Continuous Support for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Childrearing (3) (2016.07.01)
- Helping Mothers and Children at the Beginning of Childrearing: Continuous Support for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Childrearing (2) (2016.07.01)
- Helping Mothers and Children at the Beginning of Childrearing: Continuous Support for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Childrearing (1) (2016.06.24)
East Asia: Child-rearing and Education Today
- Reader Participatory Joint Research "Japan, China and Korea: What and How Do We Differ?" -- Part 2. Review and comments on the first survey (2013.11.01)
- "Events" and "Things" in School (2013.10.04)
- Reader Participatory Joint Research "Japan, China and Korea: What and How Do We Differ?"-- Part.1 What's normal and what's not in friendship? (2013.09.06)
Brain & Education
Child Science and Great East Japan Earthquake
- Radioactive Iodine and the Effect of Consuming Seaweed (2012.04.01)
- Radiation and Children Section 5: How can We Recognize the Effect on Human Health Caused by the Quake-stricken Fukushima Nuclear Plants? (2012.04.01)
- Report from the Disaster Area Part 8: Six Months after the Disaster - Authentic Voices on-site - (2011.10.01)
Full Paper Archive
- Promoting Children's Resilience for Nurturing Competent Citizens for the Future (2023.11.10)
- Investigating Self-Motivation Skills in Early Childhood Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia (2021.01.29)
- Teacher's Attempt and Role in Improving Prosocial Behavior of Early Childhood (2020.09.18)
Youth Projects
- [YRP Students' Essays] Can You Imagine? (2018.01.26)
- [YRP Students' Essays] Silent Language from Inaudible Voices (2017.02.17)
- [YRP Students' Essays] The Result of Demanding a Better Life (2017.01.27)
Past Projects
- Vol.23, No.2, February 2007 - Meeting the self: Encouraging young children to read and write (2007.01.01)
- Vol.23, No.1, January 2007 - Poor reading skills in adolescence may be linked to risk of suicide - Keep Your Eye On...suicide risk in adolescents with severe acne (2007.01.01)
- Vol.22, No.10, October 2006 - Parents: Are they a help or hindrance in the treatment of anorexia? (2006.01.01)