- [Japan] Identifying Factor Structures and Determinants Involved in the Development of "Non" Cognitive Skills in Early Childhood (2024.02.09)
- [South Korea] Current Situation and Issues of Inclusive Education for Preschool Children in South Korea - II (2023.12.01)
- A Useful Comparison Table for Improving the Quality of ECEC--International Comparative Study on Free Preschool Education and Childcare (74th OMEP World Assembly and Conference) (2023.10.06)
- [South Korea] Current Situation and Issues of Inclusive Education for Preschool Children in South Korea - I (2023.04.28)
- [Japan] "Keep On Playing!"--ICT utilization in ECEC (Part II) (2023.04.21)
- [Japan] "Keep On Playing!"--ICT utilization in ECEC (Part I) (2023.04.14)
- [Japan] The Activity of Reading Picture Books Together in ECEC Settings That Creates Interpersonal Interactions (2023.02.03)
- [Japan] Why do Elementary and Junior High School Children in Akita Prefecture Have High Academic Ability?
Focusing on children's daily habits and preschool education in Akita (2022.11.25) - [Japan] Use of Tablets in Childcare and Its Future — Use Led by Children (2022.11.04)
- [Thailand] Guided Play with Outdoor Loose Parts: Ways to Promote Cooperative Play Behavior for Thai Kindergartners (2022.10.28)
- [Japan/USA] Childcare Practices in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Study Focusing on "Feeding Practices" at Mealtime in ECEC Facilities (2022.10.21)
- [Hong Kong] Culturally Responsive Approach to Teaching Chinese Language and Social-emotional Skills in Non-Chinese Speaking Children in Hong Kong (2022.10.07)
- [Japan] Early Development of Mother-Infant Interaction in Tickling Play (2022.07.22)
- [Japan] Expertise of ECEC Teachers Engaged in Care of Children with Special Needs (2022.03.11)
- [Japan] It takes more than free play in ECEC to successfully develop executive function (2022.03.04)
- [Japan] The Need for Family Support from Night Nurseries (Second Part) (2021.12.17)
- [Japan/China] The Impact of COVID-19 on the Living Environment and QOL of Parents and Children: A Comparative Study between China and Japan in 2020 (2021.12.10)
- [Japan] The Need for Family Support from Night Nurseries (First Part) (2021.11.26)
- [Japan] Use of Tablets in Childcare and Its Future — Use Led by Childcare Workers (2021.11.05)
- [Japan] Use of AI Robots in ECEC: Young Children's Literacy and Cognition Towards Interactive AI Robots (2) (2021.10.29)