Papers & Essays
- Use of ICT in Elementary School to Improve Children's Ability to Express Themselves (2021.10.15)
- Lower and Upper Secondary School Students' Behaviors and Perceptions Concerning TV and Related Factors - From "Study on Youths' Media Usage" (BPO Youth Committee) (2019.10.25)
- Childcare Practice That Develops a Foundation of Computational Thinking in Early Childhood in Japan (2019.10.04)
- Prospects for Using Tablet Devices in Early Childhood Education and Care (2019.05.31)
- Field Survey on the Use of Smartphones by Junior and Senior High School Students - Part 3 (2015.04.03)
- Field Survey on the Use of Smartphones by Junior and Senior High School Students - Part 2 (2015.03.27)
- Field Survey on the Use of Smartphones by Junior and Senior High School Students - Part 1 (2015.03.20)
- Creating a media environment that nurtures communication between parent and child - Introducing "PeKay's Adventures" and "Oyako de Monogatari" (2012.11.09)
- Blogging at School: Using Blogs as an Educational Tool in English Classes (2011.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 2. Survey of Children and Parents Concerning Internet Use: A Japan-U.S. Comparison (1) (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 1. Information Literacy (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - Preface (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 5. Training children in mobile network use by developmental stage (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 4. Do virtual pets have positive effects on human beings? (3) (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 4. Do virtual pets have positive effects on human beings? (2) (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 4. Do virtual pets have positive effects on human beings? (1) (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 3. Akihabara - Let's Foster Resilience (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 2. Survey of Children and Parents Concerning Internet Use: A Japan-U.S. Comparison (5) (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 2. Survey of Children and Parents Concerning Internet Use: A Japan-U.S. Comparison (4) (2008.01.01)
- Education for the Net Generation - 2. Survey of Children and Parents Concerning Internet Use: A Japan-U.S. Comparison (3) (2008.01.01)