Choice, Quality and Democracy in Education: A Comparison of Current Educational Reforms in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan - Index - Papers & Essays



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Choice, Quality and Democracy in Education: A Comparison of Current Educational Reforms in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan - Index

Draft of a paper to be presented at an international symposium on The Public and the Private in the United States sponsored by the Japanese Association for American Studies and the Japan Center for Area Studies of the National Museum of Ethnology, held between January 18-21, 1999 at Osaka, Japan. This paper is partially based on the author's research supported by the Scientific Research Grant #:40014401 from the Japanese Ministry of Education.

1. Introduction
2. Educational Reform Movements in Japan since the 1980s
3. The Peculiar Rhetoric of Current Educational Reform in Japan
4. Implications of Six-year Secondary Schools - Japanese Context
5. Recent Educational Reforms in the United Kingdom (England and Wales)
6. Some Features of American Educational System
7. Trends in the Educational Reform Movements in the United States
8. A Comparison of Current Educational Reform Themes in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States
9. The Governance of Education and Changes in the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan
10. Education as a "Quasi-public Good" and the Implications of Marketization
11. Education: Who Should Govern and How?
12. References