[Mainland China] Current situation and impact factors on children's "psychological resilience" and "subjective sense of well-being" amidst COVID-19 --Data analysis on 5-year-old children survey in mainland China - Projects



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[Mainland China] Current situation and impact factors on children's "psychological resilience" and "subjective sense of well-being" amidst COVID-19 --Data analysis on 5-year-old children survey in mainland China

Japanese Chinese
CRNA Collaborative Research for Exploring Factors Nurturing "Happy and Resilient" Children among Asian Countries
1) Interview Video from the Corresponding Author

We asked the following three questions to the collaborative researchers from eight countries/regions of Asia participating in this CRNA Collaborative Research:

Q1 Why did you decide to participate in this international collaborative survey project?
Q2 Why did you focus on the topic (the topic of your choice) in your country report?
Q3 What do you think is the most essential issue/point from your analysis?

*The video is about 3 min. long.

2) Country Report
Read the full country report (PDF)

COVID-19 caught the whole world off guard. Amidst the challenges caused by this unexpected pandemic, will the existing child-parent relationship and child rearing pattern be affected? In particular, what new characteristics will children's psychological resilience and subjective well-being take on during the pandemic? To explore the answers to these questions, CRNA organized a cross-cultural study in East Asian countries whereby the mainland China has the honor to become a research member. According to the research requirements, we organized a questionnaire survey with Wonderland Education Group in Taiyuan , in Shanxi Province, engaging 264 mothers of children aged 5 and conducted an online survey on the platform of "Questionnaire Star" in September 2021. Both the recovery and effectiveness rate have reached 100%. This report is the result of analysis for this survey.

View the list of participating countries