Culture of Embodiment and Technology Reflection - Papers & Essays



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Culture of Embodiment and Technology Reflection


Since the human race began, human invents technology: technology invents humans. The characteristics that make us human will continue to be manifest in our relationship with technology. The more we depend on technologies to carry out or mediate our everyday activities, the more we will need to trust than to do so. New technologies lead to a new kind of human being - one embodied in a new technologically enhanced body. Homo is indeed homo faber, and he becomes more so every day. This is the new technologically enhanced human being - who is not an objective artifact (a technology) but a subjective artifact of the new technologically enhanced (perceptually, cognitively, and desire-and institutionally-oriented) human subject. In this article, I will suggest to rethink on how is the role of embodied nature of communication is possible in technological lifeworld. To deal with these issues, it is argued to develop a culture of embodiment and technology relations in the philosophy of technology, where I apply the philosophy of technology approaches of Don Ihde, Bernhard Irrgang, and Carl Mitcham in the technological culture to develop a phenomenology of relations between humans, technologies and the world where technologies are seen as inherently non-neutral. The article examines technological and cultural values through the mediation of science and technology in contemporary philosophy, and employs the perspectives of Ihde, Irrgang and Mitcham.

phenomenology, philosophy of technology, tools, users, technologies, embodiment, world, Heidegger, Ihde, technology transfer.