Application of Information & Communication Technology in Education - Papers & Essays



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Application of Information & Communication Technology in Education


The role of the computer and information technology in the world has evolved from specialised computing machines to information devices that pervade our daily lives. In our attempts to integrate computers into our daily lives in the world, we take into account the embodied nature of our interactions with each other and object we manipulate. New technologies lead to a new kind of human being - one embodied in a new technologically enhanced body. Homo faber is the new technologically enhanced human being - who is not an objective artifact (a technology) but a subjective artifact of the new technologically enhanced (perceptually, cognitively, and desire-and institutionally-oriented) human subject. Every time new technologies were introduced, claims were made that revolutionary changes would occur in teaching and learning. I caution against thinking that the technologies alone will bring about the change. The technologies only allows us to think of new ways of learning. Just as books require good authors, the new technology will require new kinds of learning design engineers. In this article, I will suggest to rethink the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) alongwith the embodied nature of communication in education. To deal with these issues, it is argued to develop a culture of embodiment and technology relations in the philosophy of education.

Key words: body, information & computer technology, human-computer interaction, phenomenology, tools, users, Rosenberger, world.

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