CRNA Collaborative Research for Exploring Factors Nurturing "Happy and Resilient" Children among Asian Countries
1) Interview Video from the Corresponding Author
We asked the following three questions to the collaborative researchers from eight countries/regions of Asia participating in this CRNA Collaborative Research:
Q1 Why did you decide to participate in this international collaborative survey project?
Q2 Why did you focus on the topic (the topic of your choice) in your country report?
Q3 What do you think is the most essential issue/point from your analysis?
*The video is about 3 min. long.
2) Country Report
Read the full country report (PDF)
Due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand's Ministry of Public Health implemented measures in 2020 to prevent and control the virus, including closing and restricting schools. Teaching and school activities have been provided since that time through online platforms, or in hybrid forms (partly online and partly onsite). These changes have greatly affected the daily lives of children and their families. Many children in Thailand live in places where there is no space for outside play. Moreover, online learning has been demonstrated to have a negative impact on the physical and emotional wellbeing of both children and their parents. The results of a 2020 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) survey showed that 70 percent of children and adolescents in Thailand were suffering psychological problems because of online learning (or no schooling) during the pandemic, including stress, anxiety, and boredom....
Due to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand's Ministry of Public Health implemented measures in 2020 to prevent and control the virus, including closing and restricting schools. Teaching and school activities have been provided since that time through online platforms, or in hybrid forms (partly online and partly onsite). These changes have greatly affected the daily lives of children and their families. Many children in Thailand live in places where there is no space for outside play. Moreover, online learning has been demonstrated to have a negative impact on the physical and emotional wellbeing of both children and their parents. The results of a 2020 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) survey showed that 70 percent of children and adolescents in Thailand were suffering psychological problems because of online learning (or no schooling) during the pandemic, including stress, anxiety, and boredom....
View the list of participating countries