Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Senior High School Students 15. Students who read news columns in the newspapers are remarkably decreasing. - Data



TOP > Data > Elementary, Junior High, High School and University > Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Senior High School Students 15. Students who read news columns in the newspapers are remarkably decreasing.


Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Senior High School Students 15. Students who read news columns in the newspapers are remarkably decreasing.

The Trend in Senior High School Students
Students Who Read News Columns in the Newspapers are Remarkably Decreasing
Compared to 11 years ago, as to daily study, the rate of those who "read the newspapers' news columns" ("do often" + "do sometimes") is down almost 20% to 50%.

Q How much do you usually do the below (aside from school assignments)?
*no applicable question in 1996

"Study" in Everyday Life (Senior High School Students)
When asked about occasions of study in everyday life (reading experiences/cultural activities), the rate of "read the newspapers' news columns" is decreasing. We cannot say that students tend to be aliterate, since the use of a nearby library is on the rise. Still, it is a worrisome tendency that students are not reading the newspapers, which is an important tool for being aware of social changes.