Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Senior High School Students 13. Self-evaluation of school results is getting lower. - Data



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Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Senior High School Students 13. Self-evaluation of school results is getting lower.

The Trend in Senior High School Students
Self-evaluation of School Results is Getting Lower
There is an increase in the number of senior high school students who underestimate their school results. Also, the tendency to answer with a lower school result for one's desired school results, as well as to desire school results that one thinks could be easy to obtain if one tried hard, is on the increase.

Q How is your overall school result comparing to that of the other students in your academic level?

Figure 1: Self-evaluation of Overall School Results (Senior High School Students)

Q What level of school results would make you happy?

Figure 2: One's Desired School Results (Senior High School Students)

Q Not taking your current school results into consideration, if you really work and try hard, what level of school results do you think you could obtain?

Figure 3: School Results One Could Obtain if One Studied Hard (Senior High School Students)

If you take a look at the self-evaluation of the current overall school results (7 levels from the upper ranks to the lower ranks), there is a tendency of regularly shifting to the lower ranks. For example, the rate of senior high school students who rank their school results in the upper 3 ranks has decreased from 42.2% (1990 Survey) down to 31.1% (2001 Survey) (Figure 1). Also, regarding questions like what level of school results one desires and what school results one could obtain if one worked hard and tried hard, there is a tendency to give a lower school result compared to 11 years ago, and the desire to work hard and try to obtain good results is getting weaker (Figure 2, 3).