Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Junior High School Students 12. The desire to enter a "good" senior high school/four-year college is getting weaker. - Data



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Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Junior High School Students 12. The desire to enter a "good" senior high school/four-year college is getting weaker.

The Trend in Junior High School Students
The Desire to Enter a "Good" Senior High School/Four-year College is Getting Weaker
More than getting into a "good" senior high school or a four-year college, priority is given to enjoying school life, and the tendency to study seriously is getting weaker.

Q Tell us your views toward study and school performance.

Figure 1: Views toward Study and School Performance

Q Do you think you would like to enter senior high school (including technical college) after graduation from junior high school?

Figure 2: Desire to Enter Senior High School (Junior High School Students)
Q What kind of senior high school would you like to enter?
*no applicable question in 1990/1996

Figure 3: Types of Senior High Schools Students Wish to Enter

Compared to 11 years ago, the rate of those who answered, " I do not care about results as long as school life is enjoyable " is on the increase. On the other hand, those who "want high average results to get into a 'good' senior high school/four-year college" are on the decrease. The number of students who thought, "right now, stydying is the most important thing" is also decreasing, and the desire to study hard is on a decreasing tendency (Figure 3, 4). This tendency can also be observed in the type of senior high school that one wants to enter, and whether one could enjoy school life or not has become the criterion. One of three junior high school students replied that they would like to enter "a senior high school that has good conditions for pursuing higher studies" (Figure 2, 3).