Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Junior High School Students 10. Students do less of the troublesome study. - Data



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Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: The Trend in Junior High School Students 10. Students do less of the troublesome study.

The Trend in Junior High School Students
Students Do Less of the Troublesome Study
Studying at home is centered on the textbook, and thinking and studying on one's own is less often done.

Q How do you usually study at home?

Figure 1: Method of Study (Junior High School)

Q If you were to classify your method of study, which type will it be closest to?

Figure 2: Type of Study

Compared to 11 years ago, textbook-centered style of study like "repeat reading the textbook" (12.5% increase), "use textbook guide" (5.0% increase) and the like are on the rise. Moreover, there is a sharp decrease in the tendency to "read reference materials" (6.4% decrease), "use the dictionary" (19.4% decrease) and "consult encyclopedias or dictionaries" (7.8% decrease). Also, styles such as to "try to memorize as much as possible" and "ask the teachers and friends questions" are on the rise, and students who do not think on his/her own about what is not understood is increasing among junior high school students.