What is Child Science? - About Child Science



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About Child Science

What is Child Science?

The main feature of Child Science is its interdisciplinary approach to all issues regarding children. Child Science seeks to conduct comprehensive research on children while gathering knowledge and expertise from researchers in various fields. Study sessions on Child Science will bring together research experts on pedagogy, developmental psychology, health science, pediatrics, etc. Researchers whose disciplines do not directly involve children such as those in philosophy, robot engineering and zoology are also welcome. Joined by a common interest in and focus on children, participants can look forward to intellectual stimulation and exchange that will transcend the limits of their respective fields. Academic exchange of opinions is not, however, the end of Child Science. The outcome of the exchange will be applied in actual childcare and education, as well as on-site in child-related businesses. This makes it important that we have the widest participation possible.

In Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "Emile" published in the 18th century, children were recognized as independent beings for the first time, not as miniature grown-ups. The 19th century provided modern education and saw a better environment for children. In the 20th century Jean Piaget explored development psychology, the study of children from a scientific perspective, and pediatrics became independent from medical science for adults.

The study of children tends to be fragmented and academic interest varies widely depending upon the age of children under study and the particular field. Serious confrontations ensue between biologists and educational professionals on the issue of heredity, for example, where both biological and humanistic approaches are possible. In order to look at children's existence as a whole, experts in different fields should communicate to deepen their mutual understanding and seek a common position.

Recently, genetics, neurology and the life sciences have made a rapid progress. It is increasingly understood that mind and body have a reciprocal effect on each other. Researchers on children are adopting integrated scientific approaches incorporating the humanities and science to study children as both biological and social beings. In the 21st century when mysteries on life are about to be solved, it will be very meaningful for experts from a wide-range of fields to gather to discuss matters that concern children.