About Child Science
Kodomogaku Kotohazime (1998-2000)
(Translated from ZENSHIGAKU_NEWS PAPER, 1998-2000)
Interdisciplinary approach to early child care and issues that youth face in the Japanese society. These articles were published as newspaper articles and posted in the CRN Japanese language web site.
- Re-thinking Japan's National Flag and National Anthem (2000.11.24)
- Children who "lose it" (2000.10.27)
- From a Child Ecology Perspective (2000.09.22)
- What is Child Ecology? (2000.08.25)
- School Refusal and School Absentee (2000.07.28)
- The Framework of "Bullying" (2000.06.23)
- Clinical Pedagogy (part 1) - Bullying (2000.05.26)
- Clinical Pedagogy versus Pedagogical Pediatrics (2000.04.28)
- The Importance of "Information" in the Development of the Individual (2000.03.03)
- Critical Period for the Development of the Child: The first trimester of pregnancy and the first three years of life (2000.02.04)
- The Principles of Growth and Development: Further exploration into the diversity of growth and development (2000.01.07)
- The Five Principles of Development (1999.12.17)
- Words that Portray Various Aspects of Children's Growth (1999.11.15)
- The Human Clock: The "rhythm gene" is discovered...can we find a pharmaceutical cure for school refusal? (1999.10.15)
- Children's Problem Behaviors and their Relationship to Biological Rhythms (1999.09.03)
- The Foundations of the Emergence of Bullying: The lack of empathy may lead to bullying (1999.08.06)
- Making Friends: An ecological perspective on the breakdown in social relations of today's children (1999.07.02)
- Language Development through Sensitive Mother-Child Information Exchange (1999.06.04)
- Eye to Eye Contact: The power of eye contact in the mother-child interaction process (1999.05.07)
- Nursing and the Mother-child interaction: How the sucking behavior satisfies and relieves the baby from anxiety, while increasing maternal affection (1999.04.02)