Connections and Emergence: developing a playshop model through connectionist ideas - Papers & Essays



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Connections and Emergence: developing a playshop model through connectionist ideas

We have proposed playshop© as an experimental space for learning based on a set of concepts centered around the concept of playful spirits (Mudpie Unlimited & CRN, 1999). In this poster we examine how some of these playshop concepts may correspond to some of the ideas underling the "connectionist" framework (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1985) which used networks of many simple elements interacting with each other, as models of what happens in people's minds when they think, understand, act, and learn.

Of course, trying to explain these ideas in a fixed, textual media would seem to go against the ideas that meaning emerge when many expressions are connected. This text is only one expression of our ideas as just a starting point for more meaningful dialogue at the actual poster session, where we will try to combine different expressions from the participants using different types of media that can mediate different levels including body, heart, and mind, so that new activities, new roles, and new meanings will emerge.