Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: General Trend 4. More students are becoming to understand school classes. - Data



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Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: General Trend 4. More students are becoming to understand school classes.

General Trend
More Students are Becoming to Understand School Classes

The rate of elementary, junior and senior high school students who "understand" their classes is increasing in most subjects. In general, the student's level of comprehension is getting higher.

Q How much do you understand your classes at school?

Degree of Comprehension of Classes (Elementary, Junior and Senior High School Students)
Elementary school students' degree of comprehension is getting higher, and the number of students who answered that they understand "almost all" or "around 70%" of the classes has reached 60 to 70%. The rate of junior and senior high school students who "understand" most subjects is also on the rise, or at least most subjects are on a horizontal trend. If we take a look at this trend according to school level, we notice a huge gap in science-related subjects.