Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: General Trend 2. The number of days spent studying at home is decreasing. - Data



TOP > Data > Elementary, Junior High, High School and University > Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: General Trend 2. The number of days spent studying at home is decreasing.


Basic Survey on Study in Japan III - Topics: General Trend 2. The number of days spent studying at home is decreasing.

General Trend
The Number of Days Spent Studying at Home is Decreasing

One out of four junior and senior high school students answered they "almost never study at home".

Q How often do you usually study at home? (Does not include study at cram and preparatory schools and with private tutors.)

Frequency of Study at Home (Junior and Senior High School Students)
When asked about the number of days spent studying at home (the number of days a week), if compared to 11 years ago, the number of those students who answered "almost never study at home" is increasing for both junior and senior high school students. In the case of those students who answered "almost everyday", the junior high school students' rate is maintained at 20 %, and the senior high school students' rate is down from 28.2% to 19.5%, an almost 10% decrease.