The NICHD Study of Early Child Care(Index) - Data



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The NICHD Study of Early Child Care(Index)

Child Research Net would like to thank The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the United States (, its Director, Dr. Duane Alexander, and the investigators of the study (see list of investigators) for permitting reproduction of this article on the CRN web site.

The NICHD Study of Early Child Care, originally published as a booklet, was prepared by an NICHD staff writer, Ms. Robin Peth Pierce, based on scientific presentations and publications (see list of scientific publications) and after consultation with Dr. Sarah L. Friedman, Project Scientist and Scientific Coordinator of The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. This is an U.S. government publication for the consumption of the general public and Child Research Net does not hold the copyright of this Study.

I.About the NICHD Study of Early Child Care
1. Child Care in the United States
2. What Questions Will the NICHD Study of Early Child Care Answer?
3. The Children and Families Enrolled in the Study: Who are They?
4. What Type of Child Care Was Used by Study Participants?
5. What Information about Child Care, the Family, and the Child did Researchers Consider?
6. The NICHD Study of Early Child Care: What Have We Learned?
II.Findings from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care (SPRING 1998)
1. A Description of Child Care in the NICHD Study
1) The History of Child Care Experiences Across the First Year of Life
2) Does Poverty Predict the Child Care Experience?
3) Child Care Characteristics that Comprise High Quality of Care
2. The Role of the Family
4) Demographic and Family Characteristics: Do They Predict the Type of Care Used?
5) Family Influences on Children in Extensive Child Care and Children in Nearly Exclusive Care by their Mother
3. Child Care and the Mother-Child Relationship
6) The Relationship between Child Care and Mother-Child Attachment
7) Child Care and the Quality of the Mother-Child Interaction
4. Child Care Characteristics and Children's Developmental Outcomes
8) Child Care and Compliance, Self-Control and Problem Behavior
9) Child Care and Children's Cognitive and Language Development in the First Three Years of Life
10) Characteristics of Child Care That Can Be Regulated and Child Development
III. Summary
IV. Bibliography of Publications and Presentations