Finger-Sucking to Ensure One is Alive - 2 - About Child Science



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About Child Science

Finger-Sucking to Ensure One is Alive - 2

Looking at the Situations in the World

A baby sucks his/her fingers longer as he/she grows up. Strangely there is an inverse relationship between the baby's crying hours and the finger-sucking hours. In other words, we can clearly observe that a baby cries less and less as he/she grows up and sucks his/her fingers for longer hours. A baby who cries very often sucks his/her fingers less and a baby who seldom cries sucks his/her fingers more.
A baby who cries very often moves his/her body very actively; he/she is extrovert and asks for much. On the other hand a baby who cries less moves less; he/she is introvert and does not ask for much.
The baby may be looking at the situations in the world quietly while sucking his/her fingers.

Finger-sucking by Frustration

Living and growing up in a physically and mentally sound environment, a baby's finger-sucking habits tend to go away as there is an increasing number of behavior patterns and more sociability while playing more and more with other children. As a child becomes so much engaged in playing with others, he or she usually does not have time to suck his/her fingers.
Therefore many pediatricians believe that finger-sucking infants may have some frustrations in their mind. However, they find such children less problematic compared with those with the habits of chewing something. It is said that children who used to suck their fingers very often in their early infancy tend to chew something in many instances even after they grow up.
It is true that there are children who are standing alone sucking their fingers in the nursery schools or kindergartens while other children are playing around. Such children seem to be thinking about many things while looking at others' play.
When an infant sucks his/her fingers very persistently, a pediatrician tries to find out the reason for his/her frustration, bringing such issues as the child's living environment or the parents' child-rearing attitudes. If the habit is left as it is, the child may get a callus or have irregular teeth. Therefore many pediatricians think that they should stop children's finger-sucking or chewing by all means before they start to have a permanent tooth.

Kobayashi, Noboru (1981). "Ikiteiru koto wo tashikameru yubi shaburi - 2." (written in Japanese). Tokyo: Child Research Net. Retrieved Jan. 9, 2004, from the World Wide Web