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Playshop2000 in Yoshino
Playshop was held at Neo-Museum in the beautiful natural environment of Yoshino, Nara on July 2, 2000. A total of six families participated, including children ages five to six. Playshop continued the concept of the first Playshop held in autumn 1999, but this time, we incorporated some high-tech activities that were not possible in the previous Playshop. The theme, "Feel the Media," focused on the act of experiencing with the five senses. Although we rely on our senses every day, we are rarely fully aware of what we are feeling. This workshop sought to awaken people to sounds, colors, shapes, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations again or for the first time. In the natural environment of Yoshino, we tried to use all the faculties of the body for variety of direct experiences. What we felt was then amplified with high-technology, projected on screens, and sampled as audio to become the raw material for play.

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