Papers & Essays
- Effects of Genetic and Environmental Factors on Children's Academic Performance: Parental Socioeconomic Status and Engagement, Children's Efforts, and Genetic Disposition (2022.08.19)
- Causal Effects of Family Environments on the Academic Performance of Elementary School Children: Role of Genetic Factors (2022.05.20)
- Social Inequality and Academic Performance: DNA or Environment? (2021.11.19)
- What Is A Happy Life? Views of Happiness Related to Children's Education among Mothers in Osaka, Japan (2017.08.04)
- Declining Motor Abilities in Children: Promoting Physical Movement in Prekindergarten Children (2017.04.07)
- Revisiting the Gender Gap: Japanese Mothers' Views of Their Children's Education, Work, and Future (2016.09.30)
- Offering Ways to Blend Study and Child-Rearing: the Purpose and Development of 'Todai Nurseries' in Assisting Female Researchers (2012.08.31)
- Child Discipline in Japan: an Important Part of Parenting Where Parents Pass on Their Values to Their Children (2012.08.03)
- What Working Caregivers Need (2012.01.01)
- MAKITANI -Thirty Years Later (2011.09.30)
- Japanese Women, Parenting, and Family Life (2010.01.01)
- From Kyôiku Mama to Monster Parent: Changing Images of Japanese Mothers and their Involvement in Children's Schooling (2010.01.01)
- Integration of Breastfeeding Care by Nurse-Midwives in Japan (2010.01.01)
- SUGAR (2009.01.01)
- The Dilemma of Support: Parenting and Mother-Networks in Japan (2009.01.01)
- Brief Report on a Survey of "First Time Parenting" (2007.05.25)
- Basic Survey on Young Children's Daily Lives and Parents' Childrearing in Five East Asian Cities: Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei - 4. Children and Their Families in Tokyo (2006.01.01)
- Basic Survey on Young Children's Daily Lives and Parents' Childrearing in Five East Asian Cities: Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei - 3. Children and Their Mothers in Beijing and Shanghai (2006.01.01)
- Basic Survey on Young Children's Daily Lives and Parents' Childrearing in Five East Asian Cities: Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei - 2. Summary Overview in Comparative Perspective (2006.01.01)
- Basic Survey on Young Children's Daily Lives and Parents' Childrearing in Five East Asian Cities: Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, and Taipei - 1. Research Design Outline (2006.01.01)