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Short Stories... by the Participants

Let us introduce the stories of people who participated in the Playshop event and their thoughts and experiences of the Playshop day. In Photos of Playshop Day you will find the photos of participants engaging in various events.

Male, 44

1. What were your feelings before coming?
(I thought it'd be ) an event that would create new experiences by combining play and thought.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
When we were pantomiming, the Kanjiyamas moved their bodies with ease, but I tried to think of the movements in my head, and it still didn't go well. For the instruments, I put a small ring inside a soapbox and thought it turned out to be a nice instrument.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
Since I also had to present at the group presentation session, it was very embarrassing. At reflection time, we commented with others in the group that it was good we all came to the Playshop.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
My feelings changed from what I felt before coming here. I'd like to participate again since we are able to speak with others and make friends.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
I think that it would be a lot of fun, but it must be tremendous work for the teachers.

6. What is Playful to you?
A different dimension; merging of play and thought.

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Female, 36

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I had no idea what we were going to do.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
"Outer space" was the theme for my vest. I was able to see various ways of making the vests by looking at others. However, I felt mine was the best and I showed it off to my children. I've watched pantomime before on television, but this was my first time performing, so it was very interesting. I didn't feel embarrassed since everyone else was performing as well.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
I was able to make all of my childhood memories come true, such as getting a gold medal at the Olympics and going to space. At the presentation session, I was able to work together with people I'd never known until I came here and create a presentation. At this particular session I was able to see the individualism of each member. It was a very fulfilling day.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
On the way home, my child commented that it would've been nice if this playshop was an overnight event. I got the feeling that a one-day event wasn't enough. The Playshop had more of a sense of "doing" than "being forced to do." Doing something by holding discussions with others is something I haven't done since the culture festival at high school. Since my whole family participated in the Playshop, we had a great time discussing the day's event at home.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
If this was targeted for the integrative studies, I feel that since the flow was very natural, the goals can be achieved with ease.

6. What is Playful to you?
Providing a place to interact with other generations.

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Female, 38

1. What were your feelings before coming?
Become friends with a lot of people.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
I was satisfied with my own vest, but compared to the ideas of others, I lost! I always thought pantomime as something to watch and not something I could do, so it was very interesting and I became absorbed. The imaginary bar felt heavy, and realized that if I tried hard to imagine something, I could. It was a new discovery for me.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
Preparation for our presentation didn't go smoothly, but once I got on the stage, my body moved with ease. I think there was a feeling of wanting to entertain others somewhere within me, and I enjoyed that part of me. It was a very pleasant day since we were allowed to do whatever we wanted, and felt as if I were a child once again.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
We did not have to worry about our stance. I would definitely like to participate again since the space was very impressive and I liked it very much. This is something that we cannot experience daily, and felt that arrangements were necessary.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
If this is done half-heartedly, it would be very difficult to open the hearts of the students. If the teachers and students are both shy, the important point may not be achieved. Maybe it is difficult for amateurs to carry out Playshops?

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Female, 10

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I thought it was an event where we would play the whole day.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
Since there were members that were unable to eat whipped cream, we used a lot of blueberry sauce and strawberry sauce and combined snacks with the pancakes. I think it turned out nicely.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
Everyone's pictures became a story, and we were all able to express different forms. There was a lot of tension but everything went well. I became very good friends with C, made new friends, and enjoyed the fact that the children and adults were able to cooperate. It was a lot of fun!

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
After I got to the Playshop, I was able to play with nice people on the staff, and it got to be interesting.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
I'd enjoy it.

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Male, 42

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I thought we were supposed to choose a game and incorporate that within ourselves.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
At the vest making session, I was able to make a nice brooch and talked about that after I got home. When pantomiming, we experienced movement and stillness, and made an imaginary wall by using the human body. However, I had to think of how to move my body before I could act, but was impressed at how fast the children were able to get the knack of things.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
I went to the Playshop with my child and we worked on our own vests. One by one the people in our group came in, and through discussions, we were able to create a fantastic piece of art as a group.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
A play using human beings. I realized for the first time the greatness of being able to express anything and everything just by using our bodies.

6. What is playful to you?
A bolt of lightening.

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Female, 42

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I assumed we were going to make / experience things, but thought that it would differ according to each participant. Also, since it was meant for parents and their children, I was hoping that our parent-child relationships would deepen. I thought it'd be nice if we could enjoy the day off as parent and child. Since I am an elementary school teacher, I participated hoping to take something I could use in class.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
I felt that the half-processed food was too much for the 5th and 6th graders. I think the staff overdid the preparation. I guess it was because they couldn't afford to use up too much time. The game where our action differed from what we said in "What are you doing?" "I'm digging" game was a lot of fun, and this may be something that could be used at the elementary schools.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
It was difficult having to come up with ideas by talking to people we didn't know at all. I wasn't sure how much of my own opinion I could speak up. There were 4 children in my group, but there was a 5th grader who became bored. Poor thing. I thought that this Playshop was intended for 5th and 6th graders.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
Nothing changed.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
For 5th and 6th graders, I don't think it would work since they are already "the children of the times." If it was for 2nd and 3rd graders, I think they'd enjoy it.

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Female, 40

1. What were your feelings before coming?
An event where we would make something and have communication for self-development.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
When pantomiming, I thought that the explanation of "leaving your hands where they are and moving your body" was very easy to understand.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
I was impressed that the children who were shy participated together at the pantomime session. I was surprised that we were all able to express different feelings with people we had never met before. It felt as if the groups turned into families.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
I became cheerful.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
I think it is a great idea. I think it is necessary for the children to learn how to interact with others aside from their studies (since the numbers of children are decreasing). I think the atmosphere of the classroom will also improve.

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Female, 11

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I thought we would do things we normally don't do. I was looking forward to making things.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
I used my characteristics when making the vest. I really like it, and others also complimented on my vest.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
It was fun watching others when they were performing since they all had a different way of expressing themselves. The role of the raccoon dog that I played at the presentation left a big impression on me.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
I had much more fun than I expected.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
I think that if the students who have problems are also able to participate seriously, it would be a good idea.

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Female, 55

1. What were your feelings before coming?
What are the functions of making our hearts excited or active? What is the meaning of a 3rd party setting these functions?

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
I made a camellia out of felt, and when I put that on my vest, our team leader said "Oh, a camellia!" I was surprised and happy that he was able to recognize it. Everyone was into pantomiming, but it seemed that their images became freer with unrealistic themes, so we were able to see interesting developments.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection
It was amusing to watch everyone getting involved in connecting each other's stories and acting them out. Communicating about our lives and ourselves with people we have met for the first time is not something we can do everyday.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
I realized that artistic factor accounts for a lot.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
I think it can be done. It would be better if the children could plan the events themselves rather than having them getting involved in something that has already been planned.

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Male, 8

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I thought it would be a trick. I thought it would be interesting. I had no idea what we were going to do.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
I enjoyed crafts, and although what I made didn't have many items, it was interesting. I had a crown on my head and a necklace on my neck. I thought it was very nice, and proudly showed it to my family.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection.
I enjoyed the blast off in space, pretending to eat after throwing the food around, and remembering an enjoyable memory while taking a nap on a planet.

4. How did your feelings change after arriving?
I was excited at first, and that gradually turned into a feeling of interest.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
I think it would be a very interesting class, and that we can become close with our friends.

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Female, 25

1. What were your feelings before coming?
I was expecting an event that would treasure new, fun, and free ideas.

2. Comments on the morning session: vest making, pantomime (basic), creating musical instruments, lunch (cake designing)
I was impressed at how we were able to come up with one project by gathering everyone's ideas.

3. Comments on the afternoon session: pantomime (intermediate-become the main character in a preset situation), make an opera by telling others your memorable experience, presentation, reflection.
Since I participated all alone I had no idea how this would turn out, but it was a lot of fun and I was glad that I participated. The ideas I've had, what I want to do while teaching, or what I have been doing was all there at the Playshop, so I became very confident.

5. How would you feel if we had classes like these in school?
A lot of fun. I think it would be a great idea.

6. What is playful to you?
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