Types of developmental disorder Characteristic symptoms Examples in dealing with children at daycare centers and kindergartens
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Inattention (has trouble paying attention, often forgetful)
  • Hyperactivity (restlessness, cannot remain seated)
  • Impulsivity (behaves impulsively or erratically)
  • Having the child sit front and center, not seating them by a window or near an entrance, which tends to stimulate his/her visual and auditory senses.
  • Display rules and goals in an easily visible place. Divide activities with short breaks.
  • Give additional signals by patting the child's shoulder or touching his/her hand when the child doesn't listen to what you are saying.
  • Regarding problematic behavior; remind the child ("You promised me you wouldn't leave the water running, didn't you?") rather than scolding ("Don't leave the water running!")
Asperger syndrome
(no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or language)
  • Characteristics of verbal understanding and usage (cannot understand metaphor, difficulty in listening to others).
  • Difficulty in understanding others' feelings and recognizing the present situation or atmosphere.
  • An intense interest in a specific subject and a tendency to cling to certain objects (obsession with doing things in a certain order)
  • When listening as a group, have them sit as close as possible to a teacher.
  • Prepare a room or space to use as a refuge (they often prefer a secluded small space) where they can calm down when feeling unsettled.
  • Get their attention by saying things like "Please listen carefully." before giving instructions.
  • When schedules are changed, let them know about the change as soon as possible, not at the last minute.
High-functioning autism (little or no delay in cognitive development)
  • Delay in verbal development
  • Difficulty in understanding others' feelings and recognizing the present situation or atmosphere
  • An intense interest in a specific subject and a tendency to cling to certain objects (obsession with doing things in a certain order, repeating the same motion)