Designing Learning Environments for Meaningful Creativity: Creative and Playful Table - Papers & Essays



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Designing Learning Environments for Meaningful Creativity: Creative and Playful Table


We have designed and conducted many workshops trying to foster creativity in everyday lives (1999, 2001, 2002), which have led us to develop a framework for creative learning based on playful and mindful engagement (1999, 2003, 2005). We argue that creativity in the sense of creating something meaningful is not just about creating something new but about creating meaningful relationships with people and objects in one's environment. Designing learning environments for such meaningful creativity involves emotional and motivational as well as cognitive elements.

In this presentation, we will illustrate what we believe to be the essential elements for such a learning environment, by describing a workshop in which children tried to design a lunch for their mothers as guests. In the workshop, each child designed and created a dish of eggs cooked in an original and creative style, and a space and time to serve it, including a letter of invitation and a menu describing the important features of the original cooking.

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