Reasons for participating in volunteer activities
  Students %
School work or events 725 43.6
Requested through school 420 25.3
Involved through organizations or groups 324 19.5
Personal 194 11.7

Number of days participated in volunteer activities
1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days 10 days 11 days or more
33.7 26.6 14.5 5.7 4.6 1.4 3.9 0.0 0.4 5.7 3.5

(Total number of students who experienced volunteer activities in high school: 282)

Perspectives toward volunteer activities X gender
  Male Female
Have experience 40.9 49.0
Willing to participate (percentage with no experience who are willing to "by all means" and "if possible") 44.4 69.6
Want more information and opportunities 56.5 76.6
Should be a part of school events 39.4 51.2

Comments on volunteer activities X gender
  Male Female
Felt satisfied 26.7 46.3
Want to do different activities 19.6 38.4
Feel happy for the chance to meet lots of people 20.3 38.3
Would like to do it again 15.2 34.8
Was able to contribute to society and help people 25.8 34.2
Had a good social experience 18.7 30.6

Willingness of students with no volunteer experience to participate X gender
  Male Female Total
Want to participate by all means 5.8 44.4 9.9 69.6 7.6 55.2
Want to participate if possible 38.6 59.7 47.6
Do not want to participate much 36.3 24.5 31.2
Do not want to participate at all 19.3 5.9 13.6

Students wanting more information and opportunities X gender
  Male Female Total
Necessary 56.5 76.6 65.9
Unnecessary 43.5 23.4 34.1

Volunteer activities should be a part of school events X gender
  Male Female Total
Should have such activities 39.4 51.2 44.8
Should not have such activities 18.9 7.8 13.7
Indifferent 41.7 41.0 41.5

Comments on volunteer activities X reasons for participating in volunteer activities
  Personal Requested through school School events
Felt satisfied 90.5 89.5 80.5
Feel happy for the chance to meet lots of people 76.3 74.4 60.1
Would like to do it again 82.7 81.9 67.6
Was able to contribute to society and help people 80.5 81.1 76.6
Had a good social experience 78.9 74.6 64.4

Perspectives toward volunteer activities X school
  School A School B School C School D School E School F
Students who joined volunteer activities through school events 24.4 39.7 29.5 45.9 54.0 35.8
Want more information and opportunities 57.5 62.4 59.0 71.2 71.9 60.0
Volunteer activities should be a part of school events 30.1 39.6 36.7 55.9 49.0 38.8

(Schools A, B, and C are located in the metropolitan area, Schools D, E, and F are located in the rural areas)

Views on volunteer activities
  Very much agree Quite agree Quite disagree Disagree
Volunteer activities should be done by individuals on a voluntary basis 33.1 38.1 25.2 3.6
Payment for volunteer activities is awkward 32.4 39.8 22.0 5.8
Embarrassed to volunteer 9.5 41.2 36.8 12.5
Too busy in my private life to take part in volunteer activities 31.9 41.3 21.4 5.4
Volunteer activities are not established in Japan yet 42.6 45.0 11.2 1.3
Volunteer activities should be done for one's own sake 20.6 37.8 32.9 8.7
Volunteer activities are an obligation as a member of society 16.2 41.4 32.4 10.1

Advice to other high school students and future outlook X reasons for participating in volunteer activities
  Total Personal Requested through school School events Involved through organizations and groups
Yes   No Yes   No Yes   No Yes No
High school students should do more volunteer activities 75.4 85.5 > 73.8 87.7 > 70.3 81.5 > 68.8 81.4 73.7
Volunteer activities will increase in the future 63.2 76.5 > 63.8 72.8 > 62.7 69.6 > 61.0 68.3 64.6
(">" indicates < 0.05)