How children see themselves
  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Have many friends 43.2 41.3 13.8 1.7
Cheerful 34.0 48.2 15.6 2.2
Good at making new friends 26.1 42.2 26.5 5.2
Good at playing sports 25.7 30.0 27.9 16.4
Good at following trends 18.1 35.7 35.9 10.3
Good at making friends laugh 17.7 30.4 38.1 13.8
Good at studying 9.6 26.0 38.9 25.5
Sensitive 11.3 23.4 41.2 24.1
Selfish 7.5 27.1 47.6 17.8
Serious 5.6 21.9 46.5 26.0
Like to stand out 10.2 17.2 43.5 29.1
Take on leadership 7.3 16.0 40.5 36.2
Fight a lot 6.4 16.2 42.4 35.0
Quiet 4.2 18.2 41.1 36.5

Number of children in the family
One 8.8
Two 51.3
Three 32.5
Four 5.2
Five or more 2.2

(Average of 2.4 children)

Do students play with friends of their siblings? X gender
  Almost every day Sometimes Rarely Never
Male 5.1 38.6 22.3 34.0
Female 2.9 40.3 27.9 28.9
Total 4.1 39.3 25.0 31.6

How students make friends outside school X gender
  A Have friends B Do not have friends A+B Join activities on the left 100-(A+B) Do not join A/A+B Join activities and have friends
Go to cram school Male 39.6 11.7   48.7 77.2
Female 35.3 10.8 53.9 76.6
Total 37.6 11.3 48.9 51.1 76.9
Take lessons of some kind (e.g. piano) Male 18.7 12.4   68.9 60.1
Female 46.7 15.9 37.4 74.6
Total 32.0 14.1 46.1 53.9 69.4
Join local sports teams (e.g. baseball, soccer) Male 44.3 3.8   51.9 92.1
Female 14.2 2.2 83.6 86.6
Total 30.2 3.1 33.3 66.7 90.7
Join local clubs for children Male 32.1 15.4   52.5 67.6
Female 37.7 9.6 52.7 79.7
Total 34.7 12.6 47.3 52.7 73.4
Go to recreation center for children Male 11.6 14.4   74.0 44.6
Female 8.5 13.4 78.1 38.8
Total 10.2 14.0 24.2 75.8 42.1
Play with close friends in the neighborhood (friends since childhood) Male 44.5 55.5   - -
Female 51.4 48.6 - -
Total 47.7 52.3 - -
Play with sons/daughters of parent's friends Male 54.0 46.0   - -
Female 62.9 37.1 - -
Total 58.2 41.8 - -

What are classes like?
  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Good atmosphere 53.8 39.2 5.6 1.4
Everybody gets along 10.6 47.3 36.4 5.7
There is good teamwork 9.5 37.1 44.3 9.1
There is good leader 23.5 33.6 31.6 11.3
There is a bully 10.9 22.1 41.7 25.3
The teacher is nice 20.5 37.0 23.7 18.8
Everybody listens to the teacher 4.3 33.2 49.4 13.1

Relationships in class
  Average number of people Percentage (%)
Friends in the same clique 5.7 20.5 59.0
Ordinary friends 10.7 38.5
Classmates who are not very close 7.3 26.3 41.0
Classmates who do not get along very well 4.1 14.7

Number of cliques
  1-4 cliques 5-6 cliques 7-8 cliques 9 cliques or more   Average number of cliques
Cliques in class 30.1 29.4 27.2 13.3 5.8
  1 clique 2 cliques 3 cliques 4 cliques 5 cliques  
Cliques of only boys 12.5 25.2 33.0 17.6 11.7 3.0
Cliques of only girls 7.9 19.4 29.4 24.9 18.4 3.3
Cliques of both boys and girls 73.0 14.2 12.8 - - 1.7

Are there students who do not belong to cliques?
Yes No
50.0 50.0

(Average number : Male 2.1, Female 1.9)

Do you belong to a clique? X gender
  Yes No
Male 90.4 9.6
Female 93.5 6.5
Total 91.9 8.1

Do you want to increase the number of friends in your clique?
Increase the number Maintain the number Decrease the number
34.0 63.2 2.8

Do clique members change?
Frequently Sometimes Never
3.2 31.6 65.2

Do you prefer not to include a new friend in your clique?
Yes No Depends on the new friend
7.7 24.5 67.8

Why students belong to cliques X gender
  Male Female Average
Have a close friend in the clique 78.0 80.5 79.2
Get along very well with the members 71.8 80.2 76.0
Can learn a lot about trends 31.9 29.9 30.9
Better than being alone 26.1 34.9 30.5
Do not get bullied 14.7 12.0 13.3

There is a bossy leader in the clique X why students belong to cliques
  There is a bossy leader in the clique
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Why students belong to cliques Get along very well with the members 69.4 71.4 72.6 78.9
Do not get bullied 21.3 14.3 8.6 14.0
Can learn a lot about trends 44.4 38.6 27.4 29.5
Have a close friend in the clique 78.7 75.0 72.5 78.9
Better than being alone 42.6 37.9 29.5 28.0

How students spend time with clique members
  Always Sometimes Rarely Never
Play at school during recess 70.1 26.2 2.6 1.1
Chat 83.2 12.8 2.4 1.6
Play after school at home 17.9 56.1 16.8 9.2
Play on Sundays and holidays 11.2 47.0 25.3 16.5
Play after school at school 6.3 31.5 32.7 29.5
37.8 62.2
Go to cram school or lessons together 8.6 10.9 11.5 69.0
Do homework together 2.1 22.1 28.4 47.4
Talk on the phone 11.8 41.2 27.6 19.4
Talk about secrets 13.7 35.3 27.8 23.2
Exchange diaries/letters 16.7 12.1 8.6 62.6
Take Printclub photos 8.6 29.8 18.6 43.0
Wear/Have the same thing as a friend 6.5 23.3 25.3 44.9

What if a clique member asks them to play
when they have promised to play with a non-clique friend? X gender
  Play with non-clique friend Play with a clique friend
Male 65.7 34.3
Female 69.0 31.0
Total 67.2 32.8

What if a friend in your clique asks you to lend 1000 yen
because he/she lost his/her money? X gender
  Do not lend money Lend money
Male 74.6 25.4
Female 77.8 22.2
Total 76.0 24.0

What if a friend in your clique breaks a window and you are blamed? X gender
  Take a scolding from the teacher Tell the teacher the truth
Male 22.3 77.7
Female 22.5 77.5
Total 22.5 77.5

What if a friend in your clique is bullied by some other clique? X gender
  Do nothing Stop them from bullying him/her
Male 13.5 86.5
Female 11.8 88.2
Total 12.7 87.3

What if a friend in your clique is bullied by some other clique? X gender
  Ignore him/her too because nothing can be done Talk to him/her although I might be bullied
Male 32.8 67.2
Female 24.5 75.5
Total 28.9 71.1

Why students did not join a clique
(answered by students not in any cliques)
I wanted to but somehow did not join 36.5
I was afraid of losing my freedom 31.3
None of the cliques appealed to me 23.5
They did not let me to join 8.7

Do students want to join a clique?
(answered by students not in any cliques)
Very much 18.5  
A little 11.9  
Doesn't matter 35.5  
Not very much 16.3 34.1
Not at all 17.8

What if your best friend brings something to school
that is not allowed? X gender
  Tell the teacher Caution him/her Pretend not to notice
Male 6.6 62.6 30.8
Female 4.5 71.3 24.2
Total 5.6 66.6 27.8

What if an ordinary friend brings something to school
that is not allowed? X gender
  Tell the teacher Caution him/her Pretend not to notice
Male 13.1 61.5 25.4
Female 10.5 60.2 29.3
Total 11.9 60.8 27.3

What if a classmate you do not get along very well with brings
something to school that is not allowed? X gender
  Tell the teacher Caution him/her Pretend not to notice
Male 40.4 33.4 26.2
Female 34.4 37.2 28.4
Total 37.6 35.2 27.2