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Country Reports

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Australia's Children

In 1995, Australia's 4.6 million children aged under 18 made up 26 percent of the total population.

In this context, children are defined as people who are aged under 18 years of age which includes infants, adolescents and young people approaching adulthood. For statistical purposes the cohort of 4.6 million children is usually divided into three different age categories including 0 - 4, 5 - 11, and 12 - 17 . These age categories correspond directly to the three different levels of schooling which are common across Australia, namely: pre-primary, primary and secondary school.

From: ABS: Australian Social Trends. 4120.0 1007, page 8
Copyright (c) 1998, Ms. Jenny Aland, All rights reserved
Permission to reprint on Child Research Net