
Place : Kyoto
Taken by : H. Y. (Doshisha International Junior/Senior High School)

These are the fashion magazines called "Zipper" and "CUTiE". They show vintage clothes MIX and street clothes. The coordination of Harajuku fashion, vintage clothes, and street clothes are published in these magazines.

These are the fashion magazines "Popteen" and "Ranzuki". They are "gal" style. The coordination of "elder sister" style and surf style, etc., is published in these magazines. But the focus on "gal" style in Ranzuki is stronger than in Popteen.

These are fashion magazines called "mina" and "non-no". They show feminine and girlie styles. Fashionable, lovely coordinates are shown in these magazines. These styles have a "settled" or calm feeling.

These are fashion magazines called "ViVi" and "PINKY". They are the "elder sister" style. The gorgeous coordinates that the "gal" style started are published in ViVi, and casual coordinates are shown in PINKY.

There are a lot of fashion magazines and fashions in Japan. There are magazines and fashions that we were not able to introduce here, too. Fashion magazines are published according to the age and the style of readers. We can choose the magazine showing the fashions that we like. I think that is great.
Then, how to do make-up, love features, fortune-telling features, and young people's information, etc., are published in the magazine. The magazine is necessary for us!

Child Research Net would like to thank the Doshisha International Junior/Senior High School and Haruna Yamada, student and author, for permitting reproduction of this article on the CRN web site.

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