Character Goods in Japan

Place : Kyoto
Taken by : R. K. (Doshisha International Junior/Senior High School)

This character is called "Rilakkuma", and made by SAN-X. This mug is a free gift of LAWSON. We collect stamps, and trade them with free gifts. Some of companies use popular character goods to promote their sales like this way.

This character is called "Docomo-dake". This is a character of DOCOMO. This is character goods to promote their sales too. Some people have the mascot as keychain for their mobile phone like this photo.

This is a lunch box.
This character is called "MONOKURO BOO", and also made by SAN-X. This is one of the main characters of SAN-X now.

This character is called "HELLO KITTY", and one of the most famous characters of Sanrio. Goods of Sanrio are really popular, so there is an amusement park in Tokyo.
Some of goods can get by the kind of crane game in a game arcade if you are lucky.

Most of the young girls like cute goods. A lot of Japanese girls (and sometimes boys) have character goods and bring them to their school, and use at their home. Most characters are animals, and sometimes foods or other things. Many people like character goods, and have them. Some people find favorite character and collect that character goods.
There are some famous companies selling character goods in Japan, for example, Sanrio and SAN-X. Most of them have their shops only for selling their character. Character goods of popular characters are really variety. If you love "KITTY", even you can get the car that "KITTY" is designed.
Characters designed in foreign countries are also popular. Especially, a lot of people like character goods of Disney.
Many people enjoy their life with their favorite character goods.

Child Research Net would like to thank the Doshisha International Junior/Senior High School and Rie Kominami , student and author, for permitting reproduction of this article on the CRN web site.

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