Juku (Cram School)

Place : Kyoto
Taken by : S. T. (Doshisha International Junior/Senior High School)

This is a cram school in which people study for their examination. Students go there after school and learn many subjects. I used to go when I was in elementary school.

We use these workbooks in class. There are many types of workbooks. For example, there is a high level workbook and a low level workbook.

If you pass the school examination, you write a short summary about the school and it would be on this book. So, people who look this can decide if this school is good or not.

This is a paper which is delivered with newspaper. It has the information about the number of the people who passed high level schools. It means that they are telling that these schools are great.

I chose this theme because now in Japan, most of the children go to juku (cram schools).
I used to go to juku and the reason is that I was looking forward to going to a private school. I think there are many students like me. Also at juku teachers teach us in an easy-to-understand manner. I think now juku is a Japanese culture.

Child Research Net would like to thank the Doshisha International Junior/Senior High School and Shusuke Tsuchiya, student and author, for permitting reproduction of this article on the CRN web site.

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