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Dancing Dialog

--- Original Message ---
delighted by the web extension
From: Ruth Cox (06/02/2000 17:25:02)

I was involved in the Playshop experience and have finally
had time to explore and reflect upon the fantiastic web expressions that have been posted since last fall.

What I sense tonight in exploring the many new posts, and the archived material is that the memory of just a few days of creative expression can ripple through time and space like a pebble thrown into a still pond.

what happened in November of 1999 was like a large, colorful, vibrant stone thrown into an international pond. It was an experience that raised my consciousness--of our common humanity, and the elements of play, joy & creativity that transcended and at the same time honored our cultural differences. As an American, in Japan, after a day of creative expression with children and adults, while watching skits inspired by some creative mime training--I had an epiphany.

All of the themes represented in the final group skits were archetypal. Themes of birth, love, adventure,life as a journey, suffering, aging, illness & death transcended all cultural differences that we may have held.

And yet at the same time, how we faced each of these huge transitions in our own lives had some cultural overlay, some decorum, or tradition that shaped the way we coped or adapted to change. To suffering. To Life's challenges.

Like ants that know no boundaries, I am convinced that creativity and play knows no cultural barriers. Play, creativity, spontaneity are so darned human that they can go anywhere, anytime.

I am personally grateful for these insights. They continue to inform my work. I feel very connected to those of you who made it possible in this life to know, first hand, a world without boundaries.

---Translated Message ---
From: ルース・コックス (06/02/2000 17:25:02)




プログラムの最後に行われた寸劇のグループ発表で扱われたテーマは、すべて人生に深く根ざしているお決まりのものでした。 誕生、愛、冒険、旅としての人生、苦悩、老い、病気や死、これらすべては文化の違いを超えて、私たちすべてが共通に経験してきたのです。



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